What about the doctor's wife ... or more generally, the doctor's significant other -- doesn't he or she deal with stress and have challenges just by being the spouse of a doctor? Of course they do!
Doctors have long hours, stressful days, deal with government interference all day long (Medicare and HMOs are cutting back), patients are demanding, the list of admistrative work is overwhelming and taking over the type of work the doctor loves to do ... treating patients, solving medical mysteries, helping people feel better! I don't think that being a doctor is the same job that it was 20 or 30 years ago. The culture of being a doctor has changed. Things have become more complicated. Doctors are being taken away why they came to the profession and beginning to say "boy, if I knew then, what I know now, I wouldn't have entered this profession!"
Sometimes you may even see that your spouse (that is the doctor) is starting to come home "run down", not appear as healthy, vibrant and energetic as he or she once was. But dare you address the issue of his health? Sometimes, that topic is like the pink elephant in the room -- it exists... but no one wants to talk about it!
Now, back to the doctor's family .... Your loved one comes home ... whatever time that is and then he or she has to shift to "family" mode. Do you think that is an easy shift to make? Do you think that the spouse or kids get their doctor family member at his or her best? Or do they get the left over of that exhausting, long and stressful day?
So, as the Doctor's wife or husband or significant other, how do YOU deal with that stress? How do you maintain a healthy relationship with your loved one? What type of stressful situations do you experience by being a wife of a doctor or a significant other of a doctor?
Do you sometimes wish that you could have more free time with your spouse? Do you wish that he or she wouldn't have to work such long hours? Do you wish that more money was being made so that it would free up time for both of you and you could start living life together, enjoying the things you love, vacationing as long as you want or maybe even starting your own little side business together that you have talked about but never got around to doing?
Maybe you are worried about the closeness of the relationship because the two of you do not spend as much quality time with each other as you would like to. You feel that your relationship is getting lost in all that stress that exists when being married to the Medical Profession.
But it doesn't have to be that way!
As a Certified Life Coach for Doctors who specializes in Law of Attraction Coaching, I will often work with the spouse of the doctor in addition to the doctors themselves --- this can be quite productive and enhance the relationship and the dynamics of your family. You will see improved communications and learn how to shift your focus so that you DO attract a more healthy relationship with your loved one!
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