Life Coaching for Doctors: Prevent Physician Burnout!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Press Release: New Physician Burnout Resource!

My new Physician website has been launched!  Announcing ...

Physician Coaching Services with Maria Lesetz

Take action now and click the link above to Avoid Physician Burnout. 

A happy doctor is a healthy doctor.
(and your patients and family will benefit ten-fold when you are happy and healthy!)

Your mind, body and soul will thank you for taking this one step!  I am so passionate about helping physicians, like you, to avoid burnout, reduce stress and significantly improve your own work life balance so that you too can live a happy and healthy life!!!

Sign up to get immediate access to my free report:

"Rx for Physician Burnout: The Top 7 Tips You Can Use Right Now!"

Start changing your path from Physician Burnout to ... Physician Wellness! You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Isn't YOUR overall health and happiness a priority?  

Sign up today to receive your Rx for Physician Burnout Report!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Physician Burnout: Putting yourself Last is the culprit!

My physician clients are really good at helping their patients, being great leaders, putting their work schedule before their family and their own needs.  But what they find so often happens is that at some point they feel the burden (physically and emotionally) of always making themselves last.

One of my Doctor Moms feels that as soon as she comes home, she needs to address the kids needs, so she puts off exercising or some alone/quiet time just for her to decompress from her stressful day.  She feels "guilty" when she is doing something for herself and not for the important people in her life.  But what she is starting to realize is that when she takes care of herself, she is actually taking care of her family indirectly.  Because when she feels calm, relaxed and happy, her family benefits immensely.  But when she is not feeling well and is tired, stressed, feeling guilty and not taking care of her mind, body and soul, everyone else is negatively impacted by that energy that she is putting out.

Another client of mine is a Hospitalist. There is a lot of politics going on in that hospital (which I am sure is quite a common thing). Often he questions himself and the decisions he makes and it weighs on him because of what others are saying and thinking. However, he is actually quite a confident and caring doctor who is a great leader and is liked by much of his staff.  However, that doubt that he feels and the questioning of his skills and actions is a form of stress that negatively impacts his overall happiness. In the past, he would put himself last when it came to scheduling his vacation and put all his staff and colleagues' needs ahead of his own.  But now he realizes that in order to maintain that passion that drove him to be a physician in the first place, he needs to take care of himself first and do what makes him feel happy or brings him a form of relief. Yes, sometimes in "corporate" settings there are things that we do that we are not too thrilled with.  But we have to become more aware of what our emotional guidance system is telling us, despite what is going on around us or what others expect of us. When you go with what feels right to you, you can never go wrong.

Putting yourself last is a sure path to being unhappy in life.  And physicians ... this includes you as well.  You need to start putting your needs at the top of your priority list.

Are you taking care of your health?  Are you spending quality time with the ones you love?  If you are single and don't spend a lot of time with others (besides patients and your colleagues), what would it take for you to add some "me" time to your schedule?  What would you love to do, if you could (which you can), that would add some more joy to your life?  Whatever that is ... start incorporating that into your day. Don't know how that's going to happen?  Contact me ... I help my physician clients with this all the time and they are much better off as a result of putting their personal needs first!

Being happy is a choice. And when you choose to be happy and ensure that you are taking care of you first, your personal health and well-being will improve.

Don't make BURNOUT be your story. You have a choice.  DECIDE TODAY that you are worth it and it is time to make a change!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Physician Burnout: Don't wait for the shoe to drop!

As a Certified Life Coach for Doctors, I work with lots of physicians who are overworked, overwhelmed and over their limit on the amount of stress they can handle.  But what is very interesting to see is that many of these same physicians are resistant to making a significant change in their work schedule or in their normal routine, even if they want to, because they are afraid of what that change may bring.

But oddly enough, when something dramatic happens that pushes them over the edge (the "shoe drops"), they very easily make this change that they have been wanting to do FOREVER!

Let me give you an example.  I have a doctor client who has been wanting to change her work schedule so that she can spend more time with her kids at home.  However, she would constantly tell me that she didn't know if she would be able to change it (fear of telling her partner in her practice, fear of losing her regular patients who are used to the same schedule and seeing her at certain hours and also fear that she would still be running late if she shifted her hours).  Now, of course, we all know that when we have a "fear" of something, we are making that "fear" real and as a result, it will negatively impact the outcome.  So, we worked on eliminating that fear and she started to feel more at peace with her current schedule and her daily routine.  Then, she started having some problems with one of her kids (they think he may have ADD or ADHD), and all of a sudden, my client is telling me "I'm changing my schedule to earlier hours so that I can be home with him more!"

Interesting how the Universe works, isn't it?  Here, my client has been wanting to alter her schedule for years and now, as a result of the "shoe dropping" at home with this one child, she easily makes the transition.

I get it.  We all make decisions based upon the risk that we perceive in making that change or not.  We weigh it out in our heads.  But now, the risk of NOT making this change was far greater for her than the risk of making the change.  All of a sudden, it was easy to speak with her partner in her practice.  She didn't care about switching her regular patients around.  She just did it with no doubts on whether she should do it.

So, I asked her ... what would it take for you to make the next change that you are so desiring to have in your life ... just FOR YOU?!

What we sometimes forget is that putting our JOY and Happiness first DOES benefit all those around us.  If Mom is happy, the kids are happy.  If Mom is stressed, the kids feel that and may act out as a result of feeling that stressed energy.

Also, can we be the best parent, lover, spouse, when we are feeling stressed, overwhelmed and overworked?  No.  So, where do your priorities lie?  What do you REALLY want your life to look like?

Weigh out the risks and start asking yourself ... what's the risk of me NOT making this change that my heart and soul so wants me to do?